Angelica and her daughter were reunited in a briefing room at Logan Airport on July 5th. After a bit of time together, they came out to face a huge bank of cameras and reporters. Also gathered were children and friends of the folks who had been working for their reunion. Angelica, her lawyers and Re. Katherine Clark all spoke, then Sandy read a poem she had written for her mom. The lights dimmed, and they rode with new friends to start their new life together in Framingham. The next day the friends regathered to celebrate her 8th birthday, which had taken place while she was in detention. Of all the press about their story, we particularly like this one by Rupa Shanoy, of PRI The World.
In case the lessons about bureaucratic rigidity hadn't been clear enough, MWC-Casa has had another lesson. We began working to help get a father still in detention reunited with his 51/2 year old child. One is in NY state and one in the south. Using the ICE locator system, we were able to find him, but we can't contact him. And he can't call out because he has no money in his account. We called to put money in the account, but that was deemed impossible as we don't know his "A-number" (Alien ID number). We have contacted lawyers and people in our Congressional delegation, but so far we are stuck in the crazy little circle that is an impossible barrier. Please, keep calling your Congressional delegation and ask them to put pressure on ICE and the detention facilities to make these reunions happen. Comments are closed.